
Monday, August 30, 2010

Birth options after a C-section

I have been a practicing OB/GYN for several years. As with so many things, the "fashion" of having a vaginal birth after Cesarean section (VBAC) has come and gone and then come back again.

With each of my patients, I take a personal interest in their health and well-being and I'm committed to helping them have a safe and healthy delivery.

Sometimes this means that a VBAC is the right choice and sometimes it is not. I take an open-minded, case-by-case approach for determining what's best. And I believe two-way communication with my patients is key to building trust and rapport.

If you are wondering if a VBAC would be right for you, I encourage you to have an open conversation with your physician. Before you meet with your physician jot down a list of questions and concerns you have. Then share your prior delivery history with the physician and go over your noted questions. This will make good use of your time together and it will help your physician better assess if you meet the current guidelines of The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists VBAC guidelines. For more information on the guidelines, click here.

Bottom line: your physician cares about you and wants to make sure you and your baby are safe. When it comes to VBAC, many factors come into play so it is important to discuss your questions, concerns and wishes throughout the pregnancy. Having a healthy dialogue enables physicians to have a complete picture with which to care for you and your baby because ultimately the decision the physician makes about your care is being made with your best health in mind.

DeCarlo Noble, M.D.
OB/GYN on the medical staff at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Denton
Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... "the decision the physician makes"? Therein lies the problem in maternity care in the US today. Physicians are "in charge" and everyone else (mom, dad, and nature included) is left in the wake... entirely disappointed in this post...
