
Thursday, October 28, 2010

A 13-pound surprise

Justice Mansfield, 13 pound bundle of joy!
On Saturday morning, Bobbi and Mike Mansfield were in for a BIG surprise.

Still ecstatic from the news their beloved Texas Rangers would play in their first World Series game, the Fort Worth couple experienced a first of their own: son Justice was born at 8:36 a.m. weighing in at 13 pounds, the heaviest baby ever delivered at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest Fort Worth.

And he was three weeks early.

“During my C-section, I was sort of out of it but I heard nurses say something about a 13-pound baby,” Mom Bobbi said. “I asked, ‘Someone at the hospital had a 13-pound baby?’ and the nurse said ‘Honey, it was you!’”

“I guess they come in all sizes!” Bobbi said.

Neonatal nurse practitioner Vickie Kroon said most of the larger babies delivered by the team are around nine pounds.

“Everyone was just in awe,” Vickie said.

Baby Justice, sister Kayle and Dad Mike
Proud papa Mike grinned from ear-to-ear cradling (relatively) little Justice, who was sporting a Texas Rangers t-shirt -- in a size meant for 3 to 6 month-old infants.

“The doctor said from early on that he was growing quickly, that he was going to be a big boy,” Mike said. “We didn’t know he’d be this big!”

Justice spent time in the neonatal intensive care unit so nurses can help him learn to eat normally and to stabilize any blood sugar problems. Justice and Mom Bobbi are both doing well, and Justice should be able to leave within a few days, nurses said.

So is the little-big-man destined to play little league, or perhaps pee wee football? Will he be the next Cliff Lee?

“He can be whatever he wants to be,” Mike said. “He’s certainly got a jump start.”

Check out this story on NBC DFW here.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea this was that rare. I gave birth to my 12 pound, 11 ounce son via C-section on Feb. 9. He was 21.5 inches long. I had signs of pre-eclampsia and am a type II diabetic, so doctor went ahead and took him 15 days early. (I was due Feb. 24.) She said it was the second largest baby in her career. Largest was 13 pounds, 2 ounces, I believe she said. Congrats to the Mansfield family!
