
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Growing pains for mom

This Halloween really made me stop and think about how quickly my seven-year old twins have grown.

It was just last year that they wanted to be a cowboy and SpongeBob! The year before it was Batman and Superman. This year they wanted to be scary and bloody and gross! They ran from house to house screaming at the top of their lungs! What happen to my sweet little boys?

Now when I drop them off or pick them up from school, no hugs, kisses or displays of affection of any kind in front of friends and teachers! Hands off mom!
Not long ago they were listening to the Chipmunks soundtrack. Now they want to listen to tunes by Miranda Crosgrove, Victoria Justice and Big Time Rush!

No more cute Garanimals (you know that you can mix and match) outfits. Now they want Tony Hawk gear and T-shirts with skulls and crossbones!!!

Just when I was starting to feel very sorry for myself, my cell phone rings and it is my son. “Mom, I really, really, miss you, when are you coming home?”

That is when I realize, they will always be my sweet little boys.

Shelly Garrison
Marketing Manager

1 comment:

  1. It's that push-pull of our babies growing up and still being little boys. Thanks for sharing Shelly!
