
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Returning to work and finding a balance

Leaving my child was the hardest thing I have ever done.  I have always loved my job and still do.  However, I was not prepared for how hard it was going to leave my little boy.  People told me “something happens when you bring a child into the world,” and they were right.  The second my son entered this world, my life changed. 

Working has always been fun and challenging and it still is.  The greatest challenge is finding work-life balance and managing all the demands of a mom.  It has only been three weeks since I returned to work and I am still learning how to juggle all the needs and demands on me.  So, I offer some advice to all you moms who are preparing or just returning to work:

  1. Prioritize – Every woman must figure out what is most important and prioritize.  For example, doing well in my job and being the best mom I can be is top priority for me.  That also means that some things are going to have to give.  My husband and I are figuring out ways to get things done that I have always done myself, like cleaning house.  When I am at work, my priority is doing my absolute best.  When I am home, my priority is my child and my husband.
  2. Get organized – I have a list of tasks that have to be done for the next day so that I can leave on time and also have everything for my son in order.  Every evening when I get home, the baby goes down for an hour and I make bottles, clean bottles, wash clothes and burp cloths and get all of his stuff ready and out for the next day.  I do all of this while he is asleep for a nap so I don’t have to juggle this while he is awake. 
  3. Take a moment for yourself – This task usually happens once the baby goes down.  I take an opportunity to read a magazine or watch one of my favorite TV shows to unwind and relax. 
  4. Cook and do laundry on the weekends – This is some of the best advice I have received.  Every weekend while the baby is down for a nap or playing with his daddy, I go to the grocery, do laundry and cook for the week.  The most overwhelming thing for me is to come home during the week and want to be a mom and have a mound of laundry and cooking that needs to be done.  Try and get it done on the weekend.
  5. Spend time with your significant other – Through all the hustle and bustle of returning to work, your emotions and energy levels can be all over the map.  Spending time with my husband after the baby is asleep rejuvenates me and gives me the strength to tackle the next day.  Plus, investing in that relationship is important anyway.

I would love to hear from some other working mothers on how you have managed this difficult transition.  Leave a comment!

Whitney Jodry is a new mom to a little boy and a Sr. Public Relations Specialist that loves to travel and take long bike rides with her family.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice, Whitney! These are even good tips for moms who are staying at home so that each day doesn't become yet another marathon of laundry, cooking and cleaning. Prioritizing, getting organized, taking time for yourself and spending time with your spouse will give you the opportunity to get out of the house, stay active and break up the monotony.
