
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Taking time to experience nature

At last, it seems the icy days of winter have come to an end, and we welcome the springtime with wide, open arms! Spring weather is perfect for outdoor activities and introducing your little ones – or any of your loved ones, for that matter – to the beauty that is nature.

There’s nothing like a trip to the tranquil Japanese Gardens in Fort Worth to replenish your soul’s need for nature and balance. On a lovely Sunday afternoon, my husband and I took the kids for the first time. Dylan (3 years old) was absolutely delighted with the giant Koi in the garden’s many ponds and took an immediate liking to feeding them. (Note - if you go, don’t forget to pack quarters!).

Arley (eight months old) enjoyed the tall trees, fresh air and watching the other visiting families – especially the kids. In fact, she got so relaxed (or overwhelmed!) that she decided to take a nap in her stroller!

Does anyone have suggestions for other family-friendly outdoor adventures? We’d like to pack as many in before the summer’s heat sets in…

Mandy Forbus is a Sr. Marketing Specialist at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Hurst Euless Bedford and mother of two.


  1. We've been out to Eagle Mountain Park - lots of trails (easy to follow, well marked) with our kids (at the time 10, 6, and not quite 5 months - in a carrier, of course). We went on Labor Day, so it was quite warm, but now would be the perfect time. We saw birds, bugs, an armadillo and (eeek!) a snake!

  2. That sounds like a blast! My stepson would love that, especially seeing the armadillo...

  3. Agreed! That's a lovely area. We'll have to check it out! Thank you, Julie.

  4. My favorite free or inexpensive family activities in Fort Worth include:

    -- The miniature Zoo Train!
    -- Log Cabin Village
    -- Water Gardens
    -- Fort Worth Herd Longhorn Cattle Drive in the Stockyards
    -- Bike riding along the Trinity River
    -- The giant aquariums, trout stream and hundreds of stuffed animals throughout Cabelas
