
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Welcoming Baby Wells!

September 1, 2010 is a day that changed me forever. That was the day we welcomed our first child, Wells, into this world.  It was 4:14 p.m. that day to be exact. Baby Wells weighed 6 pounds and 8 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long.

As I look back at that day, a few highlights stand out:

We arrived to the hospital on August 31 and checked in at 6 p.m. We had a decent night sleep, as good as you can when you are anticipating meeting your sweet baby the next day!

At 6:30 a.m. on September 1, the nurses came in and started our pitocin drip! That got things kind of moving, but not as quick as my OB would have liked. She came in around 9 a.m. and broke my water. That was the worst pain I felt the whole day. It was worse than any contractions I had. When you are on 1.5 cm dilated and they break your water, it does not feel great. But, Dr. Wiley was right that it would get things moving - and boy did it.

Right away, my contractions picked up and got stronger and stronger. At about 11 a.m. the nurse came and in and gave me some pain meds to take the edge off the contractions. That worked for a bit until they could give me the epidural. Once I got the epidural, life was good. That is the most amazing feeling to not feel all of that and rest comfortably.

I got my epidural around noon and progressed very quickly from there. In 1.5 hours I went from 3 cm to fully complete and dilated - ready to push. At about 1:45 p.m. I started pushing and pushed for about 2.5 hours until baby Wells arrived!

The most amazing part of my delivery and journey were the nurses, my hospital and my doctor, Dr. Wiley.  The care we received at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth was the best we could have asked for. Precious and talented nurses and a great doc! So thankful to all who were a part of bringing our baby into this world!

Did you deliver your babies at a Texas Health hospital?  If so, we want to hear from you!

Please post a picture of your baby on our Texas Health Moms Facebook page. Here are the easy steps to do so:
1.    “Like” Texas Health Moms.
2.    “Like” the Texas Health hospital Facebook page where you had your baby. Texas Health Hospitals on Facebook are Arlington, Dallas, Fort Worth, HEB, Plano, Allen, Cleburne, Southwest Fort Worth and Stephenville.
3.    Choose upload a photo above the status update bar on the Texas Health Moms Facebook page.
4.    Once the photo is posted type in a caption where it says “say something about about this photo” and tag the Texas Health Hospital Facebook page where your baby was born. Feel free to include a bit of info in the caption, such as “Wells was born at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth in 2010” To tag a photo you simply type the @ symbol and start typing the name of the hospital. Then select it.

Please share the links with your friends as well!

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