
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Car seat dilemma

We have recently encountered a car seat dilemma. Our son, Wells, is really long for his age. He is only 7 months old is about to outgrow his infant carrier. Seems young, right? As a mom, I am struggling with upgrading him to a “big boy” car seat, or a 3-in-1 car seat, for many reasons.

When we do this, I have to face the fact and admit to myself that my baby is turning into a big boy. That is hard. The bigger issue is one of convenience. It is so nice to take his infant carrier, with him asleep in it, anywhere we go. You cannot do that with a big boy car seat.

The other issue is there are a million options, and quite frankly, I do not know where to start. Do I want a 3-in-1 convertible car seat? Will he really use that until he is out of a booster seat? Will I need that one for my next child? What are the best car seats for the next stage?
As you can see, I have many questions! And, I would love the help and guidance of all the Moms out there who have been in my shoes. What did you choose? What kinds of car seats worked for you? Is there an option that is portable to take in and out of the car when you go to a restaurant or the grocery store?

I look forward to your feedback!

Whitney Jodry is a Senior Public Relations Specialist at Texas Health Resources and new Mom to son Wells.

1 comment:

  1. We're about to move Sam to a big-boy car seat, too (but he's also about to turn 1). I'm still undecided, but have heard nothing but fabulous and raving reviews about any of the Britax models, and I'm learning more about the Recaro ones, too. Recaro makes race car seats, so their car seats should be really good and safe, right? :)
