
Friday, May 20, 2011

Lake fun

Every summer when Memorial Day arrives we make our way to the lake. This is the official first day of lake season. We (mainly my husband) get the boat ready and start looking forward to good times on our boat with our family.

I can’t help but reflect on my oldest stepson Josh this year. He recently turned 14. How did that happened so fast? It seems like just the other day he was this five year old little boy who suddenly appeared in my life with a huge vocabulary and the power to use it. Now all of the sudden he is taller than me, has a very fine mustache across his upper lip and is turning into a wonderful young man right before our eyes.

I laugh when I think back to some of our adventures on the lake. They include the boys going to the hill to explore and returning covered from head to toe in mud. Catching and/or shooting snakes with the BB gun also make the list of lake fun. And of course when the water has gotten low at times the boys would spend hours digging for crawdads or, just digging a hole! 

Josh wasn’t always that gung-ho when it came to trying out the latest water adventure. One thing that is a necessity in our family is learning how to water ski. Heck, I even had to learn when I met Brett. While the boys were still little Brett and I would take turns pulling each other skiing and I would try to perfect kicking off one ski to slalom. Then all of the sudden it was time for Josh to learn since he was the oldest. One of my dear friends managed to snap this photo the very first time he got up on skis. We were all so excited!

Fast forward to the 14-year-old Josh and he has now conquered the wake board. Not only does he pop right up but he doesn’t want to stop! So all of the sudden, Brett and I have changed from the ones who are skiing to the ones pulling the kids behind the boat instead.

I usually snap photos and Brett is in the driver’s seat. I know we need to cherish these moments. I know there will be a time very soon when he would rather hang out with his friends instead of us.

I know it might sound cliché, but time certainly does fly by when you have kids. How do you try to make memories with them while you can?

Makala Pollard is a Sr. Marketing Specialist for Texas Health Resources and Stepmom to two boys who are growing up fast.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way this week when my stepson turned 11 and we got him his first cell phone. They grow up too fast!
