
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things we take for granted

At 39 weeks pregnant, there’s not much that isn’t a chore. It’s amazing how many little things we take for granted everyday – like the ability to tie your shoes, hoist yourself up from a lying position, grasp something without dropping it, or lift a 24 pack of water.

Nevertheless, with a healthy and mostly uneventful pregnancy, I certainly can’t complain.

And finally — finally — Ava’s nursery is finished. We ended up changing our minds on some of our original plans. We tried decals on the wall for stripes and borders, but ultimately ended up going with chair rail and painted stripes. The painter who did our stripes also did Ava’s name on the wall, which turned out well.

 I lifted the idea from a Pottery Barn catalog for a nest attached to the chandelier to go along with the bird theme in the nursery. (Ava means “little bird”). My nest isn’t as pretty as the one in the Pottery Barn catalog, but it will suffice!

With the due date 3 days away, we are officially counting down the days. Thanks to all our friends and family for all the support, the wonderful gifts, and your prayers. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers over the next couple weeks, and we will let you know when we have some news to share!

Rachel Raya is a Public Relations Manager for Texas Health Resources who will be meeting daughter Ava any day now.

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