
Monday, July 4, 2011

Beating the heat with water fun? Stay safe!

Will your family be lounging poolside or enjoying the lake this fourth of July? Have fun, but always keep safety top of mind while near water to avoid tragedy.

Just yesterday the local news reported that a two-year-old boy from The Colony drowned at a pool party. Nationally, nine people drown each day, according to the USA Swimming Foundation. With plentiful lakes and many homes having pools across North Texas, the summer months can be a scary time for parents.

Most people think they will never be confronted by someone drowning. But an American Red Cross survey found that nearly half of adults have nearly drowned and a quarter of people surveyed know someone who has drowned. If an emergency struck would you know what to do?

The American Red Cross says that if someone is missing near a pool or other body of water, check the water first. If the person is in there, reach out or throw in a device, even a rope or broom will do in an emergency, but do not dive in. Call 9-1-1.

Many times someone experiencing distress can look like horseplay. Do not make any assumptions as to whether someone is joking around, according to the Red Cross.

“The summer can be a great time for families to enjoy playing at the pool or visiting lakes,” said Chris Lane, RN, BSN, nurse manager of the emergency department at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest Fort Worth. “But family time shouldn’t come without strict rules for how to be safe in the water. It is crucial that individuals respect the water and take appropriate precautions to ensure that the fun can continue.”

The American Red Cross recommends that people take the following steps to limit the risk of drowning:
•         Swim in areas with lifeguards;
•         Swim with a buddy;
•         Teach children and adults to swim;
•         Teach children to ask permission to go near water;
•         Put children in life jackets;
•         Maintain constant supervision of children near water.

For more information, visit

Do you have a pool at home that you’ve instituted safeguards for the kiddos? Any tips for other parents of what works for your family?

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