
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Proving us wrong

Transitions are hard. Sometimes they are harder for the parents than the kiddos. 

Preston, 3, and Emory, 11 months, began their WeeSchool program last week at our church. Preston has been attending WeeSchool for the past two years. He was off during the summer, and couldn’t wait to start back again. Emory has been with a wonderful private sitter since I went back to work from maternity leave. As the new “school” year began, we decided to move her into the same program as her big brother. As much as we knew that we would miss her sitter, we also knew that one drop-off and pick-up location would help tremendously. 

Josh and I mentally prepared ourselves for this big move for Emory. At “meet the teacher” I warned her teacher that she likes her bottle extra hot, she still likes to be held to go to sleep, and she is a picky eater who doesn’t like veggies. After sharing her requirements with the teacher, we held our breath and said our prayers.

Day 1 report: Emory was an angel. She ate her food and went right to sleep without being held.
Really?!  Let’s see what day two holds.

Day 2 report: Emory did great today. She was full of smiles! She just wanted to be patted to go to sleep.
Two days in a row?  Amazing!

Day 3 report:  She has stolen our hearts! She took a bottle today without being heated.
Wow!!! Seriously?!  That has NEVER happened! Since the day that she finally decided to take a bottle, she wanted it HOT. 

Day 4 report: Again, Emory was full of smiles and did great!

The first week of “school” for both kids was a success. Sometimes, as parents, we stress over a new beginning in life even more than our kids do. It’s funny that “proving us wrong” begins at such a young age! In this case, I’m very excited about it.

Next week, we’re sending veggies. Perhaps they can get her to eat them!

Kudos to all of the teachers who take care of our kids on a daily basis. We appreciate you and all that you do! 

Julie Swink is a Sr. Marketing Specialist for Texas Health Resources and proud Mom of two.

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