
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Power of Will: Stick-to-it-tiveness part 2

Some of you may recall that my last post involved my woes about whether or not my seven- year old would ever learn how to ride her bike without training. After posting and getting advice to continue the low pressure tactics, I decided to just that. I was pleased to see that sticking with this method allowed my daughter to really think about the idea of conquering the bicycle as a more of a heroic accomplishment.

I realized that the parallel between her and the “Little Engine That Could” really began to stick. As we drove her to her very first soccer game two weeks ago, she went through a Saturday “to do” list (as she does every Saturday morning, only it’s usually at 6:30 a.m.). The list included winning her soccer game, becoming an international rock star, baking cookies, playing with her cousins and wait for it…riding her bike!!! She very confidently said to my husband and me, “Today is the day that I ride my bike with no training wheels. I have the will to do it and so it’s going to get done!”

I am proud to say that it was done by her will, and her will alone. She strapped on her helmet, got on her bike and in one brief afternoon began riding with no assistance at all! The look of pride and happiness on her face is a moment that I’ll never forget. Helping her to get back on after she’s taken a fall will likely be the next big challenge. I am open to any suggestions from you moms out there on how to keep her motivated once that happens.

Nikki Hall-Branch is a Communications Coordinator at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth and determined Mom to one equally determined daughter.

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