
Monday, April 2, 2012

Round 2

My husband and I are excited to announce that we are expecting our second child later this year!  We are as excited and nervous as new parents would be.  Why you ask?  Well, considering our son will be 9 years old next month, we are pretty certain that raising children has somehow changed in the past nine years.

Yes, you heard that right.  Nine years.  It took us that long to get over the sleepless nights, midnight feedings, and changing diapers.  Funny how your mind forgets all that in the excitement of the second child.

My son couldn’t be more excited.  He has been asking for a little brother or sister since he could talk.  He of course, wants a little brother, but has told me that even if he gets a sister, he would be excited.  As a matter of fact, he told me this weekend, “Mom, now I hope you have a daughter.  I can’t imagine how you would handle two boys in the house.”  

My first pregnancy was a piece of cake.  A slight twinge of nausea for a couple of weeks, then it was smooth sailing until he joined the world.  This pregnancy?  Not so much.  Morning sickness that doesn’t just stick around in the morning; hungry, but everything I look at makes me nauseated.  If I don’t eat, I get nauseated; when I eat, I get nauseated.  I have found that eating small snacks every couple of hours has helped tremendously.  My energy is just as zapped this time around as it was with the first one.  The only difference is I still have a very busy 9 year old that needs to get around, and double the house work to do.

Luckily, I have a husband that has been absolutely amazing so far.  (I say so far, because his patience is wearing thin due to my moodiness).  He has completely understood when I just don’t have the energy to clean the house or cook dinner.  I think he knows there is a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

In the end, after all is said and done with these road bumps of pregnancy, we will have a beautiful child that will complete our family.  Whether it is a boy or girl, we pray for health.  We pray for our tired bones to relearn the ins and outs of babies and what they are all about.  We pray for our oldest to adjust as our family dynamic changes.  And then after all the praying is done, I slip one more teeny tiny prayer in.  I pray for a girl.

Janet Fragle works in customer engagement for innovative technology solutions at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano and is expecting her second child in November.

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