
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Flowers

I am notorious in my family for my brown thumb. Really, it's almost black. My sister is Martha Stewart incarnate (only much, much nicer and prettier, in my opinion). She can grow anything from a pile of rocks, it seems. (She also cooks really well and is quite crafty, but we'll stay focused on the flowers for this post.)

I usually laugh off my gardening challenges by saying that the reason I kill my plants is because, unlike an animal or a child, plants can't whine to or complain to tell me that they're hungry or thirsty. To be honest, I completely forget to water/feed them.

So, forgive my excitement when a peace plant that I've kept alive for more than two years - TWO YEARS - bloomed this year. I snapped a picture with my cell phone and emailed my mom and sister. Yes, I am that excited about one little bloom.

And, imagine the thrill I get about this time every year when my bulbs (yes, MY bulbs; I wanted them; I planted them; I agonize over whether it got cold enough in the winter for them or if they've sprouted too soon) shoot up and provide such lovely color for my yard. I can't take credit for any of the rest of the yard - that's all the hubs's doing - but those Irises, Lilies, and Daffodils are mine.

So, for you gardener-Mommies out there, what tips can you give a constant novice, not-good-with-plants Momma? I want my boys to appreciate and learn to enjoy the satisfaction that can come from nurturing plants and watching them grow.

Julie Daneman is wife to Bryan, Stepmom to Jacob and Caleb, and Mommy to Sam. They are a boisterous, loving, happy interfaith family.

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