
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Eight months old and on the move

When Shelby was a newborn I came up and had lunch with my coworkers while I was on maternity leave. I remember passing her around for everyone to hold while she slept and everyone commented on how sweet she was. I remember someone telling me "just enjoy this because you can put her somewhere and she stays there."

Fast forward to now and that comment is ringing in my ears. Our little bundle is now eight months old, crawling, and pulling up. What a gamechanger this is!! I am thankful that she crawls with zest and force by slapping her hands down on the floor with each move forward-this helps me at least know where she is. Very helpful to hear her because she is quick! Just over the weekend milestones included finding our Roomba vacuum and turning it on, finding the dog food and water bowl and pulling up and standing in front of the dryer while I was hanging up clothes. She "helped" by pulling out some of the dry clothes with a big smile.

Each day brings some new adventures from her and broadens my perspective by seeing my house from the ground level. Now that we are in this phase I have to wonder how I will manage to get ready each morning. Any tips out there on how to occupy a curious crawling baby?

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