
Friday, October 19, 2012

Hidden talents

So I’m doing dishes one weeknight, and my four-and-a-half-year-old son, Dylan, enters the kitchen with a kazoo. We strike up a conversation about how he’s going to be a protoceratops for Halloween and how we need to start making his costume. (For those who have never heard of a protoceratops, it’s a dinosaur – that’s his new obsession – that’s similar to the triceratops but much smaller and had fewer horns.)

While visiting, I’m busily loading dishes into the dishwasher and he starts playing the kazoo. When I look over at him to compliment his lovely tune, what I saw was something completely unexpected. I had to drop everything and get my iPhone to snag a video… Arley, my two-year-old daughter, couldn’t resist joining in on the fun.

Enjoy our video…And feel free to share some hidden talents of your kiddos!

Mandy is a Sr. Marketing Specialist for Texas Health Resources and Mom to a daughter and son with many special talents.

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