
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kids and their costumes

When I brought the Halloween box down from the attic a few weeks ago, my daughter Livi  found her big sister Jenna’s old cat costume and said “I want it! Mommy, this is SO me!”

She put it on and wouldn’t take it off all day. She even fell asleep in it! Since then, she has insisted on wearing the gloves to school every single day. I wash the gloves often and hang them up to dry so they’re ready for her to wear the next day.

Needless to say, 4-year-old Livi is going to be a neon pink cat for Halloween. My 8-year-old, Jenna, will be a skeleton princess. Both costumes are glow in the dark so the girls will be easily seen by oncoming cars. Safety is important on Halloween, and so is making sure your kids keep with their nightly routine and get enough sleep after all the trick-or-treating fun! Otherwise they’ll end up like Livi in this picture, fast asleep in their costumes.

What costumes are your kids wearing this year?

Jeanine Andersen is a Marketing Manager for Texas Health Resources and Mom of two daughters who love Halloween.

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