
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reminded by a Child

Preston and Emory, ages five and two, are so excited about Christmas this year!  How fun it is to see their eyes twinkle and their smiles widen each time they see Christmas lights in the neighborhood or hear a Christmas song on the radio.

They were both overjoyed as we put up the Christmas tree and decorated the house with Santa and Snowmen this week. 

Emory:  That’s Santa Claus! (Talking about a Santa that stands on the fireplace.)
Mommy:  Yes, it is.  What does Santa say?
Emory:  Ho, Ho, Ho.
Mommy:  Merry….
Emory (singing): ….had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb…

At the time, I thought it was quite humorous.  After giving it some thought, my heart was touched at the realization of the truth behind it.  Yes, Emory, Mary did have a little lamb, and his name is Jesus.  That, my precious child, is the real meaning of Christmas. 

What a great reminder from a two year old.  May we all remember during the hustle bustle of this time of year, that the true meaning of Christmas is the birth of our Savior. 

Luke 1:30-32
An angel appeared to Mary and said, “Do not be afraid, Mary;  you have found favor with God.  You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.

Julie Swink is a Sr. Marketing Specialist for Texas Health Resources and Mom of two.

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