
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Exercising with the Kids

With the beginning of the new year, the obvious resolutions are to eat better, exercise and maybe even lose a few pounds.  It is now approaching the end of January, and my resolutions are still going strong.  I have my kids to thank for that! 

Generally speaking when I work out, no gym is involved.  I pop in an exercise video or get on the treadmill for a short run (okay, very short run) or walk.  Since having children, I seem to take less and less time to work out because I prefer to spend my time with my family (excuse #1).   Now that Preston and Emory are ages five and two, they prove over and over again that I cannot use them as an excuse any longer to get out of exercising.  So on my latest wellness kick, I have incorporated them into the mix. 

I bought a new exercise DVD and played it while they were awake instead of waiting until they had gone to bed.  They were both excited about getting to exercise with Mommy!  On days that I really have no plans or desire to work out, Preston or Emory will say, “Momma, let’s do Tae Bo.”  Now really, who can say “No” to that request?  What better way to improve our well-being than to incorporate family time, fitness and fun all at the same time? 

Thanks, kiddos, for holding me accountable to exercise.  Maybe, just maybe, my resolutions will last a little longer this year!

Julie Swink is a Sr. Marketing Specialist for Texas Health Resources and Mom of two kids who love to be active.

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