
Thursday, January 17, 2013

In my life, change is the only constant

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed a driving need to take stock of my life at the end of each year and then again on my birthday.  (I wish I had the discipline to journal on a regular basis, but if a habit like that was going to happen, I believe it would have surfaced by now.) 

Recently, someone said to me, “If you were to make a list describing yourself in Dec. 2011 and then another one for Dec. 2012 each would look quite different.”  Of course, I couldn’t resist this opportunity to reflect – below are my lists.

Dec. 2011 Single but in a healthy relationship     
Dec. 2012 Happily married

Dec. 2011 Aunt to the BEST niece in the world
Dec. 2012 Stepmom to the BEST stepson in the world and aunt to two more great kiddos

Dec. 2011 Not much of a traveler
Dec. 2012 Travels for work every week and preparing to go on my first international trip

Dec. 2011 Live in a house of all girls (my sister, niece & me)
Dec. 2012 Only girl in the house (my husband, stepson & me)

Dec. 2011 Regularly exercises
Dec. 2012 Wonders if constantly doing laundry and picking up the house counts as exercise

Dec. 2011 Often makes good food choices
Dec. 2012 Eats fast food more often than I’d like to admit – If only salads could be easily eaten while driving

Dec. 2011 My faith is strong
Dec. 2012 My faith is stronger

Dec. 2011 Normally have my television on HGTV
Dec. 2012 Normally find the television on ESPN

Dec. 2011 Have a little family
Dec. 2012 Have a big, extended family

Dec. 2011 When boyfriend calls, I hear “just wanted you to know you are the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Dec. 2012 When husband calls, says things like “my spreadsheet is acting up on my computer, do you know how to fix it?”
Yes, things are different.  I have a completely new reality, but that’s okay.  Maybe you’ve taken a look back at 2012. What changes did you notice? 

Elizabeth Long is a Sr. Communications Specialist at Texas Health Resources, newlywed and Stepmom.

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