
Monday, February 25, 2013

The Journal

My 5th grade daughter and I decided to share a journal with one another. At least once a week, I write a journal note to Sarah to tell her how proud I am of her or how much I enjoyed spending time with her that week having dinner or helping with her Girl Scout troop.  She sometimes writes back to thank me for taking her on a trip and just to tell me she loves me.  It is something she can keep as she grows and will be able to look back on and know that her Mom thinks she is a very special young lady and that I love her so very much.

The idea started when we received the journal in November at the GiRL Power event. It was a special day that we both looked forward to doing as “just girls” since we do many things with my husband and son as a family.  We got to dress up and spend time learning about what is meaningful to each other.  I highly recommend the event and it has changed the path I am taking with raising my daughter. 

We often think our family knows we love them by all the things we do for them.  The truth is, we all like to hear how much we are loved.  My hope is that my daughter will know she has the support from her Mom to grow in her self-confidence as a young lady and tackle the challenges of growing up in world we are living in today.

Learn more about the GiRL Power event here:

Ashley Jones is a registered occupational therapist and director of rehab services at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano.

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