
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cleaning out after losing weight

Mommy, you’re not that fat.

Yes, those are the sweet, tender words my little six-year-old son told me as he smiled and looked up at my face which was frozen in horror. As you can imagine, it launched me into losing the baby weight I have been holding onto for the past six years!  

The weight gain came on quite easily given a bad foot/ankle injury that required a few surgeries, leaving me bed ridden and wheel chair bound. I decided that with my son’s simple statement, I was going to stop hiding behind my kids when pictures were being taken and that I wanted to be healthy for myself and for them.

I decided to make the change. It hasn’t been an easy change living in a house where Cheetos and Lucky Charms are consistently being consumed by three little kiddos and a husband who has a metabolism that is out of this roof! I really think they can look at food and instantly metabolize it and for me, if I eat a few, three pounds of weight comes on instantly!

I ran my first 5K a few months ago. It’s not a marathon or an Ironman but for someone like me who was told by their orthopedist that I’d never be able to run given my injury, I was so happy I did it and didn’t need CPR when I crossed the finish line.  

I am now down 18.5 pounds, and it has resulted in me cleaning out my closet. Cleaning out my closet is something similar to what you might see in an episode of Hoarders.

Yes, I had clothes from when I was in college, maternity clothes, brand new clothes, clothes that were probably 15 years old but I just kept them. It took me NINE hours to clean out my closet of all my larger clothes. I was a bit amazed at how much I enjoyed of letting go of my clothes and welcoming the new and healthier me.

As a result, I have been able to share my clothes with women who are in need at the Arlington Women’s Shelter.  Hearing how happy the shelter was to receive my clothes just encouraged me to keep moving forward and stay healthy.

Are you holding on to old clothes rather than letting go?

Christy Benson is the director of Clinical Informatics Analysis & Measurement for Texas Health Resources, Mom to two boys, and Foster Mom.

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