
Friday, March 22, 2013

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!

On a Saturday when we didn't have plans and the weather was nice (the combination is rare, right?!), we were able to relax outdoors and just take it easy.

I left the back door open to enjoy the morning air, and my sweet children took it upon themselves to take their favorite items into the backyard to partake in the beautiful day.

Observing a moment like this made me truly appreciate the ability to just "be" and enjoy nature - and how important it is for kids to be able to indulge, too. Plus, if you think about it, what activity done indoors isn't elevated when you take it outdoors? Even brushing your teeth in the backyard under a tree sounds fun! (How often do you get to spit in the grass and not get into trouble?)

What outdoor activities do you and your family enjoy on a beautiful Saturday morning?

Mandy Forbus works in Brand Management and Promotions at Texas Health Resources and is Mom to two kiddos who love the great outdoors.

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