
Thursday, April 25, 2013

It’s Vacation Time!

There’s nothing that cries “rejuvenation” quite like a vacation.  It had been too long since we had taken time away from work for a family vacation.  It was an opportunity to focus on our emotional well-being and spend some much needed quality time together as a family. 

Our kids are ages five and two, so we wanted to do something that would be fun for them to experience.  We spent a day at Legoland, a day at Fossil Rim and then off to San Antonio for fun at Sea World.  Not only did Preston and Emory enjoy every minute of it, but Mom and Dad did, too. 

Legoland was quite an adventure with the kids. Who knew what all could be done with Legos?! We all agreed the best part was the interactive 4D movie equipped with wind, rain, and snow. 

Getting up close and personal with animals at Fossil Rim was an experience unlike any other. We had the opportunity to feed the giraffes right out of our hands. 

Wow, what beautiful animals they are! Ostriches are crazy and just plain mean, but we had fun feeding them, too, until Preston got snapped on the finger by that crazy creature. 

Sea World was amazing. It had been years since we had been, and the kids were in awe. They absolutely loved getting to feed the dolphins. The shows were fantastic and seeing a 2,000 pound walrus do sit-ups was definitely worth the trip!

It’s considered a true success when at the end of each day, the kids wanted to do it all again.

Julie Swink is a Sr. Marketing Specialist for Texas Health Resources and Mom of two.

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