
Friday, April 12, 2013

Picture This!

At 13.5 months old Shelby is walking and starting to recognize the world around her.

In particular, this weekend she kept strolling down our hallway and jabbering.  I have lots of photos of family and some of the vacations we have taken on the wall at the end of the hallway.

I was curious as to why she kept going back there so I thought it would be fun to shoot some video and see what she was up to on her stroll.

What a heartwarming surprise I captured!  She had found my dad or “Papa” in a photo on the wall and was telling me all about it.  Since my parents are about seven hours away we Facetime them on a regular basis.  She was talking so much to his picture on the wall we had to jump on the iPad and talk to them live.  She was very excited to see him and my mom, a.k.a. Mimi.

What a fun adventure parenthood is.  Can’t wait to see what she points out tomorrow!

Makala Pollard is a Sr. Marketing Specialist with Texas Health Resources, Stepmom to two boys, and Mom to an 13.5-month-old daughter Shelby.

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