
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sweat it out

Recently a friend suggested that I try taking a “Hot” Yoga class. She went on and on touting all of the benefits and how great it makes her feel.

Later that day I polled my Facebook friends to find out if anyone else I knew had any experiences with Hot Yoga. I was surprised at all of the responses my status update received.  I began researching online and found two different studios near my house. One of them offered a Groupon so I talked to a neighbor friend and we both took the plunge and signed up for a month.

As a full-time working Mother of two I have a difficult time taking time out for myself. Committing myself away from my family for two hours a couple times a week is a big deal for me.  My girlfriend and I agreed on starting this journey on Sunday morning and at 7:30AM I picked her up and we headed on our way.

We joined a Bikram Yoga studio. Having no prior knowledge of yoga I learned that there are several different types. Bikram Yoga the practice of 26 selected postures sequenced and developed by Bikram Choudhury from Hatha Yoga.  It is believed that practicing these postures in a hot room helps with flexibility and also flushes away waste and toxins in the body.

I was extremely nervous as we entered the studio. Heat streamed out of the door as we entered the 105 degree room. By the time we laid out our mats and towels we were already sweating.

OMG, what were we thinking?

We were told by the instructor that our goal for the day was to remain in the room for the duration of the class (90 minutes.) It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. The poses were difficult and pointed out my lack of flexibility and the heat at times was unbearable.  I was able to remain in the room for the class and I was surprised at how positive that achievement made me feel.

We took a second class the following day, and although difficult, we agreed to continue attending class with a goal of twice a week.

I highly appreciate the fact that during this experience, I have 90 solid minutes to focus on myself. I clear my head and have 100 percent focus on what I’m trying to achieve. In my world of technology where I am tethered to my email, my smart phone, social media, etc., this is huge.  I think this is why I’m enjoying this experience and am willing to suffer through the heat and sweat.

Trying something new with a friend is also a fun experience. We have agreed to try some sort of physical activity each month.  I think this will be positive for me body, mind, and spirit.

Mindy Seals works in the information technology division at Texas Health Resources and is balancing work, married life, raising two kids and time for own well-being.

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