
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Never say never

Since becoming a Mom there are some things I have found myself saying “I never thought _____.”

As I was driving on my commute home the other day I thought it might be fun to share these. Do you have any of these to share?

I never thought that I would be excited when my daughter slept until 5:15 AM.

I never thought I would have Elmo songs stuck in my head.

I never thought I would be saying “no, don’t eat the dog’s food!”

I never thought my mail would accumulate in a pile on the counter.

I never thought I would forget to pay a bill due to said pile of mail on the counter.

I never thought I would have so much clutter in my house such as toys, books, etc.

I never thought I would say “brush your teeth, not your toes!”

I never thought I would catch myself trying to reason with a 15 month old.

I never thought I would be saying “did you just pee on the carpet?”

I never thought I would walk into Shelby’s school and hear “so, we had to wash her hair today since she put bananas in it.”

I never thought  . . . it would go so fast.

Makala Pollard is a Sr. Brand Management & Promotions Specialist for Texas Health Resources, Stepmom to two boys, and Mom to daughter Shelby.

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