
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pinterest Birthday Surprise

I have to admit, with two kids, a husband, and two geriatric animals at home, I don’t have time for anything, much less planning for birthday celebrations like I used to.  Thank goodness for Pinterest!  I used to get so many compliments on my birthday parties, so I always feel the need to live up to my legacy.  So I needed to come up with something, and quick!

I am an avid Pinterest user, and pin like it is going out of style.  Sometimes, I pin items mindlessly with the hope of coming back to it later.  This saved me the weekend that my son was turning 10 years old.

With the addition of our lovely daughter, I always keep it in the back of my mind that I don’t want my son to feel left out.  Having a girl means pink, frilly outfits.  So as we came to the last hour on the day before my son’s birthday, I realized I had not done anything to prepare for his celebration.  I had plans in my head, but had not executed anything up to this point.  Panic ensued.

I quickly pulled up my Pinterest app and flew to the party store.  I looked like a bargain shopper that had won a shopping spree that had exactly five minutes to spend the money.  Balloons here, streamers there, oh there’s a banner, and don’t forget the tape.  

So with the help of my husband, we threw up the decorations according to my pins, and waited patiently for our son to wake up, hopefully with the satisfaction that I have lived up to the par I have set for myself for the past 10 years.
The smile and hugs I received throughout the day was all the thanks I needed.  And thank you Pinterest for saving the day.

Has Pinterest saved the day for you?

Janet Fragle works in customer engagement for innovative technology solutions at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano and is Mom to a 1-year-old boy and 6-month-old girl. 

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