
Thursday, July 11, 2013

My dew from God

Depending on who you ask, some folks need coffee to get them started (happily) on their day, while others prefer a brisk walk or light run. But for me, I only need to see and hear my “dew from God,” to get the day off to a fabulous start.

Our youngest daughter is named Talia. A name of Hebrew origin, it translates into “dew from God.” Months before Talia’s birth, I remember searching the internet for baby names, even into the wee hours of the morning. As I searched, I remembered my Dad telling me years ago, “Your name must have value and true meaning. And if you ever have children, make sure they know the significance of their names.”

So there I was, more than 25 years later, trying to find the perfect name for my second gift from God. My husband had the pleasure of naming our first daughter, Nandi. He agreed that I should name our second child. Sitting at home on the sofa one night, I came across the name Talia using my husband’s iPad. I fell in love with the name and its meaning. Rubbing my belly, I whispered, “Hey, sweet Talia. Mommy loves you, and I can’t wait to meet you.”

Compared to my first pregnancy, my second felt like I was on a roller-coaster ride (sitting in the front row, mind you). I had my good days, but they seemed to be outnumbered by the uncomfortable and tiring ones. Og Mandino, a famous American author, once wrote, “Welcome every morning with a smile….” Obviously, Og was a man, because almost every pregnant woman has had a day or two when a smile is the last thing she’s thinking about (especially when she’s struggling to get out of the bed).

But each day, I’d ask God for His guidance and mercy. I’d also remind myself I was carrying my “dew from God.” That made many mornings bearable, eventually bringing a smile to my weary face.

On January 7, Talia entered the world. I heard her cries and saw her beautiful face for the first time. I wiped away tears of joy, thanking God for blessing us with another healthy baby girl.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, my Sweet Cheeks has never let me down. No matter how I’m feeling in the morning, as soon as Talia coos and smiles – looking at me like I’m her most favorite person in the world, all I can do is smile.

Talia and her big sister Nandi help me put things in perspective. Children are a blessing, and my daughters have made me cherish and appreciate life even more. It’s far from easy, but motherhood is the most rewarding job I could ever ask for – and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Chandra Caradine is a Sr. Public Relations Specialist for Texas Health Resources who feels blessed to be Mom to two daughters.

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