
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Little Prayer Warrior

Growing up, when an ambulance passed us with its lights on, we immediately prayed.  My mom tells a story about how my grandmother heard sirens and began praying for whomever the ambulance was going to help.  As it turns out, she was praying for my grandfather who had a stroke.  He ended up living many years after his stroke.

Consequently, we teach our children to do the same.  Emory, who is nearing age three, is my little prayer warrior.  She takes the job of praying very seriously, especially praying for sirens.  Thanks to her, many people receive extra prayers when they are hurt. 

“Momma, will you pray for those sirens,” she asks in her sweet voice.  I pray for them and often turn it back to her, “Emory, will you pray for them?”  She ever so sweetly bows her head and says, “Dear Jesus, please be with the sirens and whoever they are going help.  Amen.”  

Whether those sirens are passing us on the highway, on the news, a TV show or in a Curious George book, we stop to pray for them.  It’s almost comical when we pray for the ones in the books or TV shows, but I’m proud of the lesson she’s learning in the power of prayer.  I’m also grateful for the reminder she’s teaching me in knowing that our God is so powerful that stopping for a moment to pray can change results in a heartbeat.  

Julie Swink works in Brand Management and Promotions for Texas Health Resources and is a Mom of two.

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