
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Planning Ahead

Babies, I LOVE them, the smell, the tininess, the feel, everything!

Remind me of this when I complain of being sleep deprived…again. We are expecting our 3rd baby and after we got over the initial shock and denial we became very excited and still are.

As some of you know I have a 3-year-old boy, Henry, a 1-year-old girl Lucy and am expecting another girl in November! This will put almost 18 months exactly between Lucy and her little sister. They’ll be close not only in age but hopefully as really good friends one day.

Now some people look at us and think we’re crazy, and that’s cool because I KNOW we’re crazy. I have been asked “was this planned?” quite a few times which I didn’t get a lot with Lucy. Hm.

And the answer is no, but when you don’t do anything to “protect” yourself from it and choose to…well you know…it’s a risk, but one my husband and I don’t mind taking. Ok this may be TMI but I know  there’s other women out there like me, but I have been BLESSED when it comes to fertility, and my counting may have been a little off this time. So there you have it America!  

Now with my amazing my fertility my pregnancies have not been as amazing. Henry’s pregnancy was great the first 20 weeks, then it all came crashing down for the next 10, filled with testing, bleeding and best rest followed by 8 weeks in the NICU. Thankfully everything that happened there was one of those 1: (some large number) situations so my OB and I felt ok about baby #2.  Then with Lucy’s pregnancy I bled from about week 7 to week 11. And I am not talking about spotting, I had a SCH (again), subchorionic hemorrhage, bleeding between the uterine wall  and amniotic sac. It wasn’t hurting me or Lucy but was still very scary and we couldn’t figure out why. But after that everything was golden! After a successful C-section I had a little round baby girl who got discharged the same time I did!

So I am now 17 weeks with this little girl and I have only seen my OB three times! For regular check ups! I have had zero hiccups so far. I still have that tiny part of my brain that is waiting for something awful to happen.  But we have seen the baby and she looks great and is measuring where she should, so knock on wood, everything is perfect. I am even working out three days a week, teaching fitness classes the other two days and chasing two toddlers around. Could this be a drama free pregnancy?? I hope so!

I can’t wait to meet this little girl and have her thrown into our craziness. And yes I will be that mom with three tiny people hanging off of me in the store and I’m sure I’ll have my hair done and make-up on at the same time…not.  Each of my babies is a blessing and I’m sure you feel the same about yours, whether they were “planned” or not. Whether they are mere months apart or 10 years.

Did your family planning go as…planned?

Laine Moses is a stay-at-home-Mom to Henry and Lucy with a baby girl on the way.
Laine Moses is a stay-at-home-Mom to Henry and Lucy. - See more at:
Laine Moses is a stay-at-home-Mom to Henry and Lucy. - See more at:
Laine Moses is a stay-at-home-Mom to Henry and Lucy. - See more at:
Laine Moses is a stay-at-home-Mom to Henry and Lucy. - See more at:
Laine Moses is a stay-at-home-Mom to Henry and Lucy. - See more at:
Laine Moses is a stay-at-home-Mom to Henry and Lucy. - See more at:

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