
Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Boy and His Ties

Easter tie

The beginning of the tie phase in our house began this past Easter, when Preston, age 5, declared, “I want to wear a tie to school for our Easter party and to church on Sunday,” and that’s exactly what he did. 

Church tie

Now, when there is an opportunity, he is picking out a tie. Whether it’s a special occasion like a wedding, any given Sunday or a way to express his comedic side, Preston loves wearing a tie.

Wedding tie

There are no rules as far as he is concerned.  How silly to think it has to be a button-up shirt; any shirt will do.  Many times, I’ve caught myself laughing as I say, “Preston, you can’t wear a tie with a polo shirt.”  One Sunday in particular has become a favorite when he chose to wear his tie with a t-shirt.  Nothing about the ensemble matched.  Preston’s precious Sunday School teacher snapped a picture, and we have had lots of good laughs over it.

T-shirt tie

I am constantly learning that more memories are made when we decide to give up the battles that just aren’t worth fighting.  This tie phase has provided fun memories that will last a lifetime.

Julie Swink works in Brand Management and Promotions for Texas Health Resources and is a Mom of two.

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