
Monday, September 9, 2013

Things I Ordered Online at 3 a.m.

Recently put together a gift for a friend who is about to have her first baby. It was the “Things I Ordered From My Phone At 3a.m.” gift. I thought I would share some of these personal suggestions in hopes of making the lives of future new mommies easier:

•    The car seat arm band thing
If I had it to do over on buying a car seat, I would buy the most compact, lightest car seat I could find that had decent safety ratings. I digress. On our first trip to the pediatrician, I sat in the waiting room, and saw a person across the way with this arm band cushion on the car seat arm. I’m pretty sure I ordered that from my phone, sitting in the waiting room.

•    Vitamin D drops 
While with the pediatrician, he examined Hannah and told me how beautiful she was, and said I needed to give her Vitamin D drops daily. I forget why, but I do remember Hannah liked them, so I would ration them to her in 1/3’s throughout the day for when we laid down for changes, she’d start screaming, and I’d dribble in a few drops in her mouth and change my quiet baby’s diaper.

•    Medicines
I once asked the pediatrician how I would know when she’s sick, that’s how clueless I was. Here’s what I would suggest: saline nose drops, gas drops, and Tylenol (just make sure the box says it’s Acetaminophen for infants). That can get you through 90% of issues in the first few months.
•    Car seat mirror
It is so reassuring to be able to see the baby in the rear view mirror.

•    Ziplock Baggies
I remember being pregnant and buying a little dirty diaper trash bags dispenser. Know what really works? Ziplock bags. It’s what the pediatrician’s office uses, and that’s good enough for me!

•    Vaseline
Look, I’d like to avoid graphic details, but the Pediatrician’s office is going to recommend you take temperatures a certain way in the beginning. And although you can certainly buy the head swiping thermometer, you might as well invest in a one that takes temperatures multiple ways. I hope you catch my drift here.

•    Nose Frida
When I was registering, I, like most moms, happened upon the Amazon list of most registered for items. There is was on number seven, the grossest thing I’ve ever imagined: The Snot Sucker. You’ve got to be kidding. Who on earth wants snot breath? I will never buy that. Gross. Which exactly what I told the pediatrician after he recommended I buy one. I refused. We tried the blue ball, the little electric powered one, anything to avoid it.

However, when she was so congested she was wheezing, I gave in. I ordered it. And so help me, it really works. You have to remember that, when you’re stuffy, you can blow your nose, the kiddo can’t. They have itty bitty nasal passages and they get so clogged and all baby wants is for you to fix it. Now I assure you, they will NOT like you doing it but it really can be necessary.

•    Happiest Baby on the Block ™ DVD
No judging here. Same first pediatrician visit, Hannah screamed bloody murder. I smiled happily, acting like I knew what I was doing. He said I’m going to recommend you get this book, but I know you don’t have time for a book, so buy this DVD. Bless you kind sir. One night when Hannah was having a cow, I thought, lets pop this thing in.

You’ve got to be kidding me. This hippy is trying to tell me if I shhhhhhhhhhh in the baby’s ear and jiggle her head, she’ll quit crying? This is ridiculous. I can’t believe I spent $12 on this. At the end, my husband picked Hannah up, tried a method or two, and bam, she passed right out. I highly recommend new parents watch it. If nothing else, it gave me a little more confidence with soothing her.

A few other things I’d recommend while I’m on a roll:

•    A Healthy obsession with coupons
Look, baby stuff is expensive. I know you’ve heard it a million times. I’d suggest signing up for all the websites’ newsletters. For example, Babies R Us sends a daily special, including diapers, wipes and food. As soon as any of my items have a coupon or sale, I hop right on over. They also have the frequent users card, which sends you coupons. All the major retailers do that or something similar, and most will price match or accept competitors coupons. It’s worth it.

•    Amazon Price Watches For You
I keep my “regular” items in my Amazon “Saved for Later” basket on Amazon, because Amazon will tell you when the price on an item has dropped, just check your cart.

•    Amazon Prime
Without Amazon on my phone, I would still not be a functional mom. I ordered all sorts of things from the couch in Hannah’s room at 3a.m., and they arrived two days later. When you can, use the subscribe and save function. You can cancel your item being on the list at any time, or skip orders on month when you might not be out.

What recommendations do you have for things new moms may not know they need?

Tracey Klinge is a Sr. Brand Management and Promotions Specialist at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas and is mother to 8 month old Hannah.

Opinions expressed belong solely to the blog author and not to Texas Health Resources.

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