
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Photo Fail

This weekend we braved the overcrowded pumpkin patch for some good 'ole fall family fun and to take some sweet, memorable family photos.

We were all a bit cranky, especially the hindsight, maybe it wasn't the best time to attempt photos.

It never fails that someone either has their eyes shut, looks unhappy or is making a weird face. We somehow managed to capture all three in one pic.

Getting all three kids to look at the camera at the same time, let alone with smiling faces? Not happening.

Especially with the babies.

That said, it wasn't a total bust. We did manage to get a few keepers.

Have you been out to the pumpkin patch yet this year? What's your secret for getting great photos of the kids?

Megan Brooks is a Sr. Public Relations Specialist for Texas Health Resources and decidedly un-photogenic Stepmom to a teen and Mom to a toddler.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! The collage of funny and cute photos is priceless!
