
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Letter to my four-month-old

My dear sweet girl,

How is it possible you are already four months old? The time is flying by. It seems like each day now brings a new milestone. In one day recently you both officially rolled over and had your first giggle. I say officially because it doesn’t truly count for the record books until both your Dad and I see it.

Now you’re grasping for toys, holding your head up like a champ, starting to “talk,” wiggling to sit up whenever you’re held and not too tired or eating. I can practically see your brain synapses firing as you are learning at an incredible rate. You glance around the room categorizing each thing and studying new objects. Things are starting to go into your mouth aside from that pesky thumb you found several weeks ago. It is thrilling to watch and yet I worry, can I keep up?

I want to show you so many things. I want to teach you how to better roll over, and how to sit up and read you many, many books. You’ve already got the sticking your tongue out thing down, which I’ll probably regret teaching you, but you were so cute smiling at me like a crazy Mommy whenever I did it that I couldn’t resist.

We’re working on talking to each other in the first of what I hope will be many long chats. And while you might not understand our chats now, I’m hoping that I’m laying the groundwork for you to be the beautiful inside and out creature that you are and that you can avoid many of the self-confidence related traps that lurk in the tween and teen years. We talk about being smart and making good choices. And I try to work in the occasional life lesson, even when your daddy is laughing because I’m weaving in messages about watching out for hippos if you’re on safari while getting you to follow your much cuter than they are in real life pink hippo rattle. Life is short and I want to cram in all the lessons I can as I think of them. Plus all the books suggest talking helps your grow in so many ways.

It’s just the first step in a long line of things that we’ll teach you. But I’m trying not to look too far down the road. I want to soak up every minute of every stage that I can along the way so for now talking and leading you to the next milestones are my main focus. Thank you for being our happy baby and for all you are teaching us too about life.

Love, Your Mommy

Jennifer Erickson is a Sr. Communications Specialist at Texas Health Resources.

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